添加时间:沃伦·巴菲特:我在一个家庭里长大,(我爸爸是这个家庭的)信仰,基本上,国家在30年代已经社会主义化—这超出了我爸爸和我妈妈的(认知)范围。ANDY SERWER:Your father was a Republican congressman.
ANDY SERWER:OK.安迪·塞尔沃:好的。WARREN BUFFETT:Because I would be afraid it would ring and I wouldn‘t know what to do with it. [LAUGHS]
英国《金融时报》当时指出,波音的这番表态,等于默认737 MAX的飞行控制系统可能与此前的坠机有关。FAA代理局长丹•埃尔韦尔(Dan Elwell)随后表示,在对事实和技术数据的分析证明“软件升级”是适当的之前,该监管机构不会“解禁”737 MAX。
(央视记者 潘虹旭)责任编辑:张岩黄山舰与澳大利亚“纽卡斯尔”号护卫舰共同变换队形。 本文图片均来自国防部网站海外网9月9日消息,澳大利亚北部港口达尔文海岸正在进行“卡卡杜”联合军演,这是由澳大利亚主办的最大规模的海上军演,共有来自27个国家的超过3000名人员参与演习。澳方表示,中国首次参与这一军演,中国“黄山号”护卫舰已接收两名澳大利亚海军士兵登舰。
And then you have to buy something that, in my view, which youdo if you‘re buying a business, that you’re not going to get a quote on forfive years. That they‘re going to close a stock exchange tomorrow for fiveyears, and that you’ll be happy owning it as a business.
安迪·塞尔沃:雅虎财经的读者在推特上发表了一些对您的提问,其中一个问题是,对年轻的投资者您有什么建议?WARREN BUFFETT:Well, you‘ve got to understand accounting.You’ve got to-- that‘s got to be like a language to you. And so, yeah, you haveto know what you’re reading. I mean, and unless you know that language-- andsome people have more aptitude for that than others. You know, but-- and that‘sone thing I learned by myself. Now, I took courses in it afterwards, forexample. But I learned it myself in a-- largely.